Battle Between Toro 724 QXE Verses Power Smart DB7651

We are going to compare the Toro snow blower model 724 QXE with the Power Smart model DB7651. Just what are the differences between these two models? The main differences will be displayed in the chart below. Some features have advantages over others. It all depends upon the need of the buyer.









Major Differences Chart

Below you can check the major differences between models at a glance.

Toro Model: 724 QXE Power Smart Model: DB7651
Price: $1,198.13 Price: $696.44
Amazon Rating: N/A Amazon Rating: 3.9
Auger Diameter: 11-Inches Auger Diameter: 12-Inches
Chute Radius: 200 Degrees Chute Radius: 180 Degrees
Chute Rotation: Quick Stick Chute Rotation: Crank
Clearing Depth: 18-Inches Clearing Depth: 20-Inches
Drive System: Personal Pace Drive System: Gear
Engine: 212cc Engine: 208cc
Forward Speeds: N/A Forward Speeds: 4
Gas Tank: 2.3 Quarts Gas Tank: 2.8 Quarts
Horse Power: 6.5 Horsepower: 6.4
Reverse Speeds: N/A Reverse Speeds: 2
Throwing Distance: 40 Feet Throwing Distance: 35 Feet
Torque: 9.6 lbs. Torque: 9.5 lbs.
Weight: 125 lbs. Weight: 180 lbs.

Differences Between Models

  • Price: Toro $1,198.31, verses Power Smart price of $696.44.
  • Auger Diameter: Toro is 11” and Power Smart is 12”
  • Chute Radius: Toro is 200 degrees and Power Smart is 180 degrees.
  • Chute Rotation: Toro is quick stick and Power Smart is by crank.
  • Clearing Depth: Toro is 18-inches and Power Smart is 20-inches.
  • Drive System: Toro is Personal Pace and Power Smart is by gear.
  • Engine: Toro is 212cc or 6.5 HP and Power Smart is 208cc or 6.4 hp.
  • Forward Speeds: Toro has none and Power Smart has 4. Note: Toro unit uses the personal pace where the machine recognizes the pace of the individual and adjusts accordingly.
  • Gas Tank: The Toro model has a small gas tank than the Power Smart by ½ quart.
  • Horse Power: The Toro model has .1 HP more than Power Smart.
  • Reverse Speeds: Toro model zero, and Power Smart has 2.
  • Throwing Distance: The Toro model throws snow 5 feet further than Power Smart.
  • Torque: Toro model has a .1 lbs. of torque more than Power Smart.
  • Weight: Toro model is 55 lbs. lighter than its Power Smart model.

The areas where these units are the same is: engine type 4-cycle OHV, impeller diameter 12”, clearing width 24”, electric start, forward speeds (6), tires (X-Trac), gear case (aluminum), machine warranty 3 years, and torque of 9.5 lbs.

Comparisons between the Models

  • If price is your major concern for a two-stage snow blower, then the Power Smart model is for you as its $500 less than the Toro model.
  • Reverse speeds on the Toro model has zero verses two on the Power Smart model.
  • Throwing distance on the Toro model can toss snow 5’ further than the Power Smart.
  • Clearing depth on the Power Smart can clear two more inches than the Toro model.
  • The chute radius is 20 degrees less on the Power Smart model than the Toro model.
  • If you are concerned about weight, the Toro is 55 lbs. lighter than the Power Smart.
  • The Toro model has a 1/2 quart larger gas tank for longer snow removal sessions.

Factors To Consider Before Purchasing

Below are some factors you need to consider before purchasing a snow blower.

  • Know the amount of snowfall your area receives during a normal winter season. These snowfalls will vary from season to season and from area to area. This will help you decide on which type of stage model to buy.
  • The type of snowfall. Is the snow normally dry verses wet? A lighter snow is a lot easier to remove than wet and will have less strain on the engine for single stage snow blowers. However, one major drawback on single stage units is they have difficulty in removing wet snow.
  • There are times when using a two stage snow blower is just too much machine for the job. You probably could use a single stage snow blower and save money on the budget as these units are generally less expensive and lighter in weight and easier to store.
  • Does the average snowfall fall in amounts above ten (10) inches or more? If yes, a two-stage snow blower is the best choice.
  • Single stage snow blowers have limits on how much snow depth they can remove and clear in one pass. They average from 8” to 12” in depth, and 14 to 20 inches in clearing width. Two stage snow blowers, on the other hand, average 14 to 24 inches in clearing depth, and 24 to 30 inches in clearing width. Widths wider than 30” usually are for commercial use and are very expensive.
  • Note: As the width or height inches increase, the price of the unit will also increase. This is true for both single and two stage snow blowers.
  • The throwing distance of the snow blower. Single stage units tend to have less throwing distances between 20 to 30 feet, verses two stage snow blowers where they can throw snow from 35 to 50 feet away.
  • The amount of snow that must be cleared off sidewalks and driveways is also a factor to consider. Each home area will be different. Some have longer and wider driveways than others. If your driveway is longer than 60 feet, a two-stage snow blower should be considered.
  • The surface of the driveway. If your driveway is unpaved or is made of gravel, a single stage snow blower should not be used as they tend to throw lose stones and rocks which can cause damage to the machine and yourself. On a two stage machine you can set the skid shoes so the bottom of the machine is just above the unpaved or gravel surface.
  • Storage area. The storage area should be sufficient to store your snow blower away for the season. Consider the amount of space available and purchase the appropriate snow blower to fit the space.

Using a snow blower is by far a lot better than having to remove the snow by shovel.

Differences Between Single and Two Stage Snow Blowers

The major difference between a single and two stage snow blower is the oil and gas are normally combined together for single stage machines and they have separate compartments on two stage machines. There are some single stage machines on the market today that have separate compartments for the oil and gas. Try to find one of those machines.

It is recommended that you add a fuel stabilizer to the gas tank and to the reserve fuel to keep the gas fresh for the winter season. Fuel stabilizers keep gas fresh for up to one year. It also helps keep the carburetor clean and from getting clogged as well. Gas normally gets stale after 30 days.


It is recommended that you add a fuel stabilizer to the gas tank and to the fuel reserve to keep the gas fresh. A fuel stabilizer will keep the gas fresh for up to 1 year. It also helps keep the carburetor from being clogged.


The winner of this battle of snow blowers by far is Power Smart. It has a greater rating from Amazon customers who purchased the machine and its cost is almost $500 less than the Toro model. For less money you can put up with less throwing distance and chute radius.